Christ in me

Christ in me

Being as a Christian.
I Feel the Lord is living in me.
I'm learning how to be not only just a Christian,
But being God's beloved child.
Lord live up your life.
Christian Life Me

Monday, July 2, 2012

Just a minute

We pray that you'll have the strength to stick it over the long haul not the grim strength of gritting your teeth but the glory-strength God gives. Colossians 1:11

Patience allows you to take a step back from any stressful situation and think before you act on your frustration.

While it may seem impossible at times to display patience in every situation, it is important to remember that God is always patient with you. In the same way that He choose to extend grace to you. You can choose to be patient with those who may require a little bit more of your time and effort. Acquiring patience may be a slow and tiresome process, but it is one that will allow you to reflect God's grace onto others and demonstrate His Love and care.

We are able to extend grace to others because God first extended it to us.

I learn something on my quiet time. Is so usefull for me! Gonna live it out.. Thanks God for everything((:

Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Shimmering Oasis

Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength 
Isaiah 40:31
Hope invigorates and keep us going. But only as long as we have place our hope in the real things. False hope will eventually be revealed, and when that happen, it can crush the spirit.
This world offers innumerable things which to place our hope. God shows you ahead of time, in His World, which hope are empty and false. He dose this because of His Grace, knowing that if you place your hope in anything other than him, sooner or later you will be terribly disappointed. Trusting in the Lord is the only sure hope there is, and it leads to renewed strength every time. That's because God is real able to satisfy your needs.

The bible describes God as a spring of living water(Jeremiah 17:3) and says that those who rely on Him are blessed and move from strength to strength. (Psalm 84:5-7) 

Me: sometime i lost hope. Everything in my life is not going my way. 
        was thinking what is my tomorrow? No job, send resume no 
        company reply~ way too worry. Have i really place my hope on God?
        i have to! dear lord i pray, i pray every night, that one day a 
        company will call me. As u have already plan my way~
        i believe in you lord. Aman~
        after praying every time, i feel peace~ :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Where is God?

Heal me, O Lord, and i will be healed; save me and i will be saved, for you are the only I praise. They keep saying to me , "where is the world of the Lord? Let in now be fulfilled!"
Jeremiah 17:14-15

Where is God when you need him? Certainly, many of us hesitate to ask such a question out of fear that would anger God in some way. At time, it is in pure desperation . Perhaps the desperation comes from lying in a hospital bed another day. Or it could be u are in trouble that bring the desperate cry that wonders where to find the world of the Lord. It could also be nagging of financial problem that demand that God fulfill His word now.

Even when we love Him more that the world, we may sometimes ask these desperate questions. The wonderful thing is that God is always there to answer. "I have not left you. I will never leave you, "His says to us in the midst of out crisis, "Nothing can separate you form My Love-Nothing!"

No matter what storm is going on around you, reach out to God in faith. Praise Him for His faithfulness, for His grace, for being your ever-present help in time of trouble. As your praises rise, they will bring back to you the "World of the Lord"

The ans to our question are wrapped up, ready to be unraveled by the prasises of our heart.

My own share:
Lord has listen to my prayer. At time my teeth is really giving me problem. The pian is i cannot take it. I pray for when i went to the dentist, it won't hurt much & will recover the next day. God listen to my prayer, the next day my teeth is not pain anymore. i thanks God!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Foundation for Faith-God's Word.

Will then share my ling xiu sharing here,
instead of facebook seen i've this blog((:

The basis for our relationship with the lord is faith. Yet God dose not demand blind faith from us; He generously provides us with sufficient avidence to support a thoughtful, rational decision to belive in Him and trust His promises.

By these measures, the pedigree of the Holy Scriptures is outstanding. The Bible has more claim to tuth than any college textbook on world history.

You can trust that the bible says is true. God has given us His Words, a document that He has caused to survive intact throught the age, which will always remain to testify to His existence, His goodness, and fathfulness. The Scriptures stand as a rock-solid foundation for our faith and a conduit of God's daily grace.

God has given us His supernatural Word to guide us on our jonrney of faith.


Saturday, March 1, 2008

Writer; RickWarren

Overcome discouragement?

1. Remember the lord.
whos is great and awesome' (neh.4:14)what does it means to "remember the Lord"?
. It means to recommit yourself to him.To draw on his spiritual power.

2. Remember God's goodness to you in the past.
. When you start thinking about all the good thing that God has already done in your life. your spirit will be lifed.

3. Remember God's closeness in the present.
. What is God doing in your life now?
He is with you whether you feel Him or not, because He said "Never will i leave you; Never will i forsake you.

This is the way of Overcome discouragement.
the lord is alway being at myside. trun to him and he is there. (:
i thank you lord for Everything.

Now a day i m atening a Disciple lesson at my church. lesson was Good ((: Ya good. haha.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Next one ((:

Heyday!!! Hey!!
I have taken this from:
The power of a praying teen
This book is extremely good!
Thanks god that I’ve a chance to read this book!
Well. This whole week has passed. Many many
Things happened be it problems, conflicts
Misunderstanding, many tears many cried
Many things have done and pass and thanks god
I’ve learned a lot. Thanks god that all this are
Ending and back to normal again!
Ok well, I read the book and here they say:

Do you ever have thoughts in your mind that r? Upsetting you but u can't seem to get rid of them? Do you have thought that make u feel sad or lonely?
Or depressed? Have you ever felt so bad about yourself? And your life that u don wan to see anyone? Many people think thoughts like that sometimes. Somepeople think thoughts like a lot of time. The enemy wants us to think bad thoughts All the time! But god doesn't want us to think that way At all. I used to think that every thought that came Into my mind was real. If I was depressed it means I’d To live with that emotion. It is was just the way I was & I could do nothing to change it, but I was so wrong. I believed a lie. Sometime the thoughts you have are for a very good reason. There is definitely something u can point to that is making you think and feel that way. But too often u will have negative emotion and u don’t even Know why. There maybe nothing really wrong with your life, and so you Wonder why you can’t get on top of them. When that happens you can certain the enemy is trying to get you believe a lie?
Do you ever had “if only” thoughts? That makes you miserable? Such as “if only I hadn’t done that.” “If only I wouldn’t say that nothing will happen” If you had thoughts like any of these mentioned above, please know that this is not god speaking in your life this is the enemy of your soul trying to gain control of your mind. We should be happy now! Because we can overcome these lies we believe with Prayer .don’t let enemy control your mind and let god do the job! because God will do a perfect job for that! so yap that all!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

a gospel for everyone((:


· summary
· how can I cope with stress
· how can I rebound from failure

Stress is the thing that make you really mad...make us, make you people really go mad.
How do you overcome stress? Whenever I get stress, I’ll just give up what I’ve done.
I will like don't know what I’m doing?
But you know, the lord is always here for me from the book God reminds me that he's here to help. He’s the LIGHT. Whoever follows him will NEVER walk in the dark and will have the light of life. He’s the door, the way the truth and the life. Handling stress in your life, you need to know who you’re.” and I know who I am, by knowing whose I’m. I’m a child of God. I was put on earth not by accident but for a purpose. I’m deeply loved by God, I’m accepted by Him.
He has a plan for my life, because he put me here and I’m significant”
This is from the book, I find it’s a very good say. I hope you do gain/learn something new ?