Christ in me: November 2007

Christ in me

Being as a Christian.
I Feel the Lord is living in me.
I'm learning how to be not only just a Christian,
But being God's beloved child.
Lord live up your life.
Christian Life Me

Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Next one ((:

Heyday!!! Hey!!
I have taken this from:
The power of a praying teen
This book is extremely good!
Thanks god that I’ve a chance to read this book!
Well. This whole week has passed. Many many
Things happened be it problems, conflicts
Misunderstanding, many tears many cried
Many things have done and pass and thanks god
I’ve learned a lot. Thanks god that all this are
Ending and back to normal again!
Ok well, I read the book and here they say:

Do you ever have thoughts in your mind that r? Upsetting you but u can't seem to get rid of them? Do you have thought that make u feel sad or lonely?
Or depressed? Have you ever felt so bad about yourself? And your life that u don wan to see anyone? Many people think thoughts like that sometimes. Somepeople think thoughts like a lot of time. The enemy wants us to think bad thoughts All the time! But god doesn't want us to think that way At all. I used to think that every thought that came Into my mind was real. If I was depressed it means I’d To live with that emotion. It is was just the way I was & I could do nothing to change it, but I was so wrong. I believed a lie. Sometime the thoughts you have are for a very good reason. There is definitely something u can point to that is making you think and feel that way. But too often u will have negative emotion and u don’t even Know why. There maybe nothing really wrong with your life, and so you Wonder why you can’t get on top of them. When that happens you can certain the enemy is trying to get you believe a lie?
Do you ever had “if only” thoughts? That makes you miserable? Such as “if only I hadn’t done that.” “If only I wouldn’t say that nothing will happen” If you had thoughts like any of these mentioned above, please know that this is not god speaking in your life this is the enemy of your soul trying to gain control of your mind. We should be happy now! Because we can overcome these lies we believe with Prayer .don’t let enemy control your mind and let god do the job! because God will do a perfect job for that! so yap that all!